The Art Program

The Art Programme_ThumbnailsThe Art Program at APL Global School is designed to stimulate young minds to reflect and express themselves creatively. The program exposes children to artistically respond and understand their environment. Children will be exploring the evolution of art by understanding local and world art history. They will be encouraged to identify the significance of art history in their present lives.

We live among a rich cultural art tradition. Children will get an opportunity to see and learn about local, traditional and contemporary art practices. The will explore different areas of study like painting, sculpture, printmaking, digital art, textiles…etc. They will also have hands-on experience with all the different art mediums.

The Art Program aims to provide a child with a holistic experience. For children who want to pursue and grow into practicing a creative career, the experience and learning they get for school will be valuable. The attempt is to provide a space for personal artistic growth. This will allow the child to grow into an individual that artistically responds to its environment.  By grade 8, the students are well equipped to take on IGCSE Art & Design curriculum. By extension, Art & Design is provided as a subject at A & AS level as well.